Programming languages have always
been the subject of heated debates, whether it's about syntax, performance, or
usability. JavaScript, being one of the most widely used languages, often finds
itself at the center of memes, criticism, and jokes from developers. But what
about Lua? Lua users, as shown in the viral meme featuring the side-eye monkey
puppet, often find themselves in an awkward situation when JavaScript is being
mocked. But why is that the case?
This article explores the
relationship between Lua and JavaScript, their similarities and differences,
and why Lua users might feel uncomfortable when JavaScript is under attack. If
you’re a developer or just someone interested in programming languages, this
article will shed light on the often-overlooked world of Lua.
The Rise of JavaScript and Its
Eternal Criticism
JavaScript is undoubtedly one of
the most popular programming languages in the world. It powers the web, with
nearly every website relying on it in some way. However, despite its dominance,
JavaScript is also one of the most criticized languages. Developers frequently
point out issues like its quirky type coercion, lack of strong typing (until
TypeScript came along), and its asynchronous programming model that can lead to
callback hell.
Common JavaScript criticisms
Dynamic Typing Woes: "5"
+ 5 results in "55" instead of 10.
Weird Truthy/Falsy Values: [] ==
false returns true, but [] === false returns false.
Callback Hell & Async
Complexity: Before Promises and async/await, JavaScript's asynchronous handling
was a nightmare.
Despite these flaws, JavaScript
remains essential. Frontend frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue, as well as
backend technologies like Node.js, make it indispensable in modern web
Lua: The Silent Sibling
Lua, on the other hand, is far
less known outside of game development, embedded systems, and scripting
applications. Created in 1993, Lua was designed to be lightweight, fast, and
easily embeddable.
It’s often found in:
- Game Development: Used in Roblox,
World of Warcraft, and Angry Birds.
- Embedded Systems: Utilized in
networking devices and IoT applications.
- Scripting for Applications: Adobe
Lightroom and some AI frameworks use Lua as a scripting language.
Lua is often praised for its
simplicity, lightweight nature, and flexibility. However, it also has quirks
that, while similar to JavaScript, often go unnoticed due to Lua’s smaller
Similarities Between Lua and
At first glance, Lua and
JavaScript appear to be quite different, but they share several characteristics
that might explain why Lua users feel awkward when JavaScript is being
Prototype-Based Object Model
JavaScript and Lua both use
prototype-based inheritance rather than class-based inheritance.
Objects in Lua are essentially
tables, similar to JavaScript’s objects.
Dynamically Typed
- Both languages allow variables to
hold values of any type without explicit type declarations.
- This makes development flexible
but can lead to unexpected bugs.
Garbage Collection
Both have automatic garbage
collection, meaning memory management is mostly handled for developers.
Interpreted and Lightweight
Lua and JavaScript run without a
heavy compilation step, making them quick to deploy.
Lua is particularly known for
being lightweight and embeddable, while JavaScript is lightweight in terms of
execution in browsers.
Functions as First-Class Citizens
Functions in both languages can be
stored in variables, passed as arguments, and returned from other functions.
Key Differences Between Lua and
Despite their similarities, Lua
and JavaScript have some major differences:
Usage and Ecosystem
JavaScript is dominant in web
Lua is primarily used in game
scripting and embedded applications.
Syntax Differences
JavaScript uses {} for blocks; Lua
uses do...end.
JavaScript has C-style syntax,
while Lua is more minimalistic.
Concurrency Model
JavaScript is event-driven with an
event loop.
Lua uses coroutines for
concurrency, which offer more control over execution flow.
Standard Library and Built-in
JavaScript has a rich standard
library, built-in JSON support, and extensive APIs for web interactions.
Lua has a minimal standard library
but allows for easy extension.
Why Lua Users Feel Awkward When
JavaScript is Mocked
Now that we understand the
similarities and differences, why do Lua users feel uneasy when JavaScript is
under attack? The answer lies in their shared quirks.
Lua Has Its Own Type Oddities
Just like JavaScript, Lua has type
quirks, such as nil being its equivalent of null, and true/false behaving in
unique ways.
Some Lua functions behave
unexpectedly, much like JavaScript’s infamous coercion issues.
Prototype-Based Inheritance Is a
Double-Edged Sword
JavaScript is often criticized for
its prototype-based model, but Lua uses the same approach with metatables.
When JavaScript takes heat for
prototype-related problems, Lua users recognize similar patterns in their
Dynamic Typing Leads to Similar
Both languages suffer from runtime
errors due to the lack of static typing.
Lua’s debugging tools are not as
advanced as JavaScript’s (which at least has browser DevTools and TypeScript
Global Variables Can Be a Trap
JavaScript used to allow implicit
global variables before let and const became standard.
Lua also defaults to global
variables unless explicitly declared local.
Seeing JavaScript roasted for this
reminds Lua users of their own battles.
Both Are Considered
"Weird" By Some Developers
JavaScript’s design choices have
been questioned since its inception.
Lua, due to its table-based
structure and unique scoping rules, also confuses newcomers.
When JavaScript is mocked, Lua
developers might think: "If only they knew how Lua works…"
Conclusion: Embracing the
The next time you see a meme
making fun of JavaScript, remember: Lua users are quietly observing, unsure
whether to laugh or cringe. The reality is that both languages have their
quirks, strengths, and weaknesses. JavaScript dominates the web, while Lua shines
in game development and embedded systems.
Rather than feeling awkward, Lua
users can take pride in the fact that they use a powerful, lightweight
scripting language that, while niche, has left its mark on gaming and
technology. Meanwhile, JavaScript developers can continue refining the language
through frameworks and extensions like TypeScript.
At the end of the day, every
programming language has its flaws. What matters most is how effectively they
solve problems. So whether you’re a JavaScript enthusiast, a Lua expert, or
just someone laughing at programming memes, keep coding and enjoy the quirks!